Bob Dunlap is a renowned expert on many firearms, including Browning pistols, rifles and shotguns. He is a big fan of Browning, both for their history, design and execution of their products. FN has been a manufacturer of Browning designed and design firearms for over 100 years.
For those of you looking for practical instruction in how to get your FNP pistol completely apart, clean, troubleshoot, make common repairs, and get your gun back together and operating properly with none of those pesky and embarrassing leftover parts, you have come to the right place. Bob uses a cut away gun so that you can actually see how the internal parts function and their relationship to one another. This will help you to understand the design and function of these guns.
If you want the long course, on the design, function and extensive repair of this gun and firearms in general, look into our basic 108 hour Professional Gunsmith course.
Among the items covered in this DVD are:
- John Browning sold many of his guns to FN when Winchester was not interested or wouldn™t pay what John thought was fair.
- Designed in Europe and made in America. Gun is a traditional double action/single action
- Design & Function
- Gun is a short recoil, tipping barrel, cam locking system
- A cut-away gun is used to illustrate and demonstrate the gun™s design and function, including the trigger/fire control system
- Recoil spring is shown, coil bind explained, and the test for it is shown
- Fire control cycle shown and discussed
- The loading, chambering, ignition, extraction, ejection, reloading cycle is shown and described
- How the drawbar, sear, hammer, and disconnector operate and interact is shown and demonstrated
- Barrel lock-up on locking insert shown and explained
- Advantages of square lock-up discussed
- Double sear system operation demonstrated & explained
- Trigger drawbar/disconnector interaction shown
- Locking cam/rail insert shown and removal described
- Hammer drop safety shown and explained
- Firing Pin & extractor removal and operation explained
- Why extractor can™t blow out
- Trigger spring and slide stop operation shown
- Ejector show and advantages described
- Magazine catch issue discovered and described
- Non-traditional main spring(s) shown
Double Action/Single Action Pistol
- Operation of the single action system shown
- Function and operation of the sear trip lever shown
- How the slide mounted thumb safety prevents the hammer from striking the firing pin when the safety is on
- Safety design and operation
- Ken Brooks demonstrates complete disassembly, special attention given to parts that should not be disassembled under normal circumstances & why
- Noted are parts under spring tension so they are not launched into Never Never Land
- Use of a digital camera or cell phone camera during the disassembly is very useful during the reassembly process
- Magazine removal and disassembly
- Discussion of AGI Disassembly/Reassembly method shown and its reason for use
- Slide removal and disassembly
- Frame disassembly begun with removal of takedown lever
- Fire control assembly removes as a unit
- Barrel cam/trigger/rails removed
- Magazine catch removed
- Backstrap removed
- Trigger disassembled
- Hammer/sear fire control unit disassembled
Cleaning & Lubrication
- AGI cleaning & lubrication methods shown, along with the reasons for their use
- After cleaning, dry with air gun, a hair dryer, or in the oven on Warm ~185-200 degrees (metal parts ONLY)
- What oil AGI likes to lube the gun with during assembly
- Making sure you have no parts left over
- In many cases the order of assembly is important, Ken shows you the correct order
- Assembly is in reverse order of disassembly
- Assemble all of the subassemblies before inserting into the frame
- Getting the right pieces in the right places, the easiest way possible
- Using the proper tool to help you line up the parts to accept their pins
Troubleshooting & Repair
- Loose breech explained and correction explained
- Locking block repair explained
- Fitting the extractor
- Potential problem with interface between magazine slide stop actuating pad and slide stop shown and correction explained
- Fire control problems and corrections shown
- Spring replacement or making discussed
- Mag catch issues discussed
Final Thoughts and Wrap- up
If you noticed how often the terms explanation, and demonstration are used, you may be getting some idea of why this course is a must-have for any FNP pistol owner, or someone who intends to be.
View a sample of the content of this course below.